5 Ways for Seniors to Keep Their Bladders Healthy

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Bladder problems are more common in elderly people than in children and young adults. As seniors age, the elastic tissues in their bladders become tougher and stretch less, causing their bladder walls and pelvic muscles to weaken. Due to these issues, seniors may have difficulty emptying their bladders and leak urine. Continue reading to learn what your aging loved one can do to maintain good bladder health. 

1. Follow a Healthy Diet

Seniors need to avoid foods that irritate the bladder and cause the organ to work overtime. These items include citrus fruit, coffee, sugary beverages and sweet treats, tomato-based products, and spicy meats or side dishes. Following a healthy diet full of foods such as berries, asparagus, broccoli, lentils, oats, fish, chicken, and eggs could boost your parent’s bladder health, as they contain nutrients that can reduce frequent urination, bladder spasms, and urinary incontinence. 

A home caregiver can help your loved one plan and prepare nutritious meals. If your aging loved one needs occasional help with bathing, grooming, cooking, or other basic household tasks, or if you need time to attend to important personal matters, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of live-in and respite care. Edmonton seniors can maintain their independence while living at home with the help of our reliable respite caregivers.

2. Stay Hydrated

Seniors who urinate frequently and experience other bladder problems should drink more fluids. It’s best to consume more water to stay hydrated, prevent bladder irritation, and prevent issues such as concentrated urine. When there aren’t enough fluids in the body, it can produce massive amounts of concentrated urine, which irritates the bladder and increases the urge to pass urine more frequently. 

3. Stop Smoking

Incontinence and overactive bladders are common issues adults face in the senior years, and smoking can make these problems worse. When your loved one smokes cigars or cigarettes, it could irritate his or her bladder. Smoking could also lead to coughing spasms that increase the odds of urine leakage. 

Your loved one should stop smoking and look for healthier habits. For example, taking up arts and crafts, carrying around healthy snacks, joining support groups, and staying away from triggers are strategies that can help seniors stop smoking. 

4. Exercise Regularly

Working out can strengthen the pelvic muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. By staying active, your loved one can prevent or manage urinary incontinence and other bladder problems. 

To keep your loved one physically active, find activities he or she will enjoy and make those exercises a part of his or her routine. You should also set realistic goals and start slowly, allowing your loved one to advance to a more challenging regimen gradually. 

If your loved one needs help to exercise safely, a home caregiver can be a wonderful asset. There are many reasons seniors might need assistance at home. Some may require regular mental stimulation due to an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, while others might only need part-time assistance with exercise and basic household tasks. Home Care Assistance is a leading senior home care provider. Families rely on our expertly trained caregivers to help their senior loved ones maintain a high quality of life.

5. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Drinking beverages like beer, wine, and liquor might make your loved one feel like he or she has to use the restroom more often than usual. Alcohol is a diuretic and increases the production of urine, causing your loved one to feel the urge to urinate. However, limiting alcohol consumption could prevent symptoms of an overactive bladder from worsening. You can help your loved one stop drinking by keeping alcoholic beverages out of his or her home and promoting fun activities that reduce stress and curb the desire to drink.

Seniors can face a variety of age-related challenges. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted Edmonton in-home care provider. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need around-the-clock assistance that their families are not able to provide. Home Care Assistance is here to help. If your senior loved one needs assistance with the challenges of aging, reach out to one of our knowledgeable, compassionate Care Managers today at (780) 490-7337.


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